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-gline Compile code to produce a traceback when a runtime error message is generated. Only routines compiled with this option will appear in such a traceback.
-kind= < option >  Specify the kind numbering system to be used
  • byte the kind numbers for INTEGER, REAL and LOGICAL will match the number of bytes of storage (e.g., default REAL is 4 and DOUBLE PRECISION is 8).
    sequential (the default), the kind numbers for all datatypes are numbered sequentially from 1, increasing with precision (e.g., default REAL is 1 and DOUBLE PRECISION is 2)
-o < filename >  Set output file name
-O < N >  Set optimisation level to N (0-4)
-r8 Double size of default REAL/COMPLEX
-S Produce C source code.
-save Save all variables except when automatic or recursive.
For more options enter nagfor -help in the command prompt or go to the website http://www.nag.co.uk/nagware/np/r52_doc/nagfor.html which is the help documentation for the NAG FORTRAN compiler..
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