Welcome to AE Resources
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Welcome to the Aerospace Engineering Resources Site

This website provides students with interactive resources to help in coursework and projects. Short Theory sections are provided in a "Wikipedia-like format", with links to other pages for some terms where students have indicated quick reference would be useful. In addition to the Theory page, there are other options, which can be accessed by the "notebook tabs" on the right side of the page. Examples includes some worked problems that may be helpful, while Demos includes larger problems or toolbox codes where students can obtain an engineering "sense" of how the problems change. In both of these sections, there may be video or audio of professors working problems in real time. The applications tab provides some guidance (where practical to the topic) of where to see how the topic is used in "real life". Finally, the References tab provides other reading material pertinent to the topic.

This website is a changing resource. The original contents were developed for the most part under a NASA grant, "Extrovert: Learning to Innovate Across Disciplines" (Grant NNX09AF67G). The support of NASA and the Technical Monitor, Tony Springer, is greatfully acknowledged. Dr. Dolores Krausche of the Florida Center for Engineering Education is due many thanks for her insights into and from student feedback in a number of AE classes, as well as help in determining what material was most requested forthis site. A large number of students, both graduate and undergraduate, helped make this site a reality, and they continue to provide suggestions and support. Most of them can be found at website for the Nonlinear Computational Aeroelasticity Laboratory.

If you find any errors or wish to make suggestions, please contact Prof. Marilyn J. Smith at marilyn.smith at ae.gatech.edu.