where Δ is the filter width and G is a function (Kernel) whose value approaches zero if ui occurs on a length scale smaller than Δ. A typical example of convolution kernel is the Gaussian filter:
A wide range of filters are available in the literature. For a detailed discussion of their properties, the reader is referred to Pope (2000) [5]. The over-line symbol in Eq.(5↑) is used to describe a filtered variable. The next step is to apply this filter to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. According to Leibniz’ rule, the partial differentiation with respect to time can be commuted with the filtering operation, or mathematically
Assuming that the spatial differentiation also commutes with the filtering operation, the convective, pressure gradient and viscous terms can be filtered.
which leads to the filtered incompressible Navier-Stokes equation.
In the spirit of Reynolds decomposition, the velocity can be decomposed into a large scale component as well as a sub-grid component.
where τΔij is the subgrid-scale (SGS) stress tensor that includes all unclosed terms. Eventually, the incompressible filtered Navier-Stokes equations become
(11) (∂uj)/(∂xj) = 0
Eq.(12↑) is very similar to the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equation. In order to close the system, the SGS stress tensor τΔij will need to be modeled in terms of the filtered velocity field.
Smakorinsky (1963) [7] proposed a SGS model which has been used extensively in the LES literature. Similarly to the Boussinesq assumption, the deviatoric part of the stress tensor is defined by
where Si, j is the resolved (filtered) strain rate tensor. The eddy viscosity definition also has much in common with Prandtl’s mixing length hypothesis (Eq.(↓)). It is given by
with |S| = (2Si, j Si, j)1 ⁄ 2, Δ is used as a mixing length and CΔs is the Smagorinsky coefficient. The SGS model can be validated without running a full Large Eddy Simulation. If the flow field is already known with great detail (DNS), the data can be used to compute the SGS stress tensor using Eq.(13↑) and Eq.(14↑). Such comparison is typically called “a-priori testing". This approach can be used to calibrate the Smagorinsky coefficient CΔs. In the case of statistically stationary isotropic turbulence with Δ≪η, Lilly (1967) showed that CΔs ~ 0.16 [3]. This coefficient is considered to be scale-invariant within the inertial range. Several other SGS models are available in the literature, including the kinetic energy model (Schumann (1975) [6]) and the dynamic model (Germano (1991) [2]). For an exhaustive review of LES modeling, the reader is referred to Meneveau (2000) [4].