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where Δ is the filter width and G is a function (Kernel) whose value approaches zero if ui occurs on a length scale smaller than Δ. A typical example of convolution kernel is the Gaussian filter:
(6) GΔ(x) = (6)/(πΔ2)3 ⁄ 2exp − (6∥ x2)/(Δ2)
A wide range of filters are available in the literature. For a detailed discussion of their properties, the reader is referred to Pope (2000) [5]. The over-line symbol in Eq.(5↑) is used to describe a filtered variable. The next step is to apply this filter to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. According to Leibniz’ rule, the partial differentiation with respect to time can be commuted with the filtering operation, or mathematically
(7) (ui)/(t) = (ui)/(t)
Assuming that the spatial differentiation also commutes with the filtering operation, the convective, pressure gradient and viscous terms can be filtered.
(8) (uiuj)/(xj) = (uiuj)/(xj)  − (1)/(ρ)(p)/(xi) =  − (1)/(ρ)(p)/(xi) ν2ui = ν2ui
which leads to the filtered incompressible Navier-Stokes equation.
(9) (ui)/(t) + (uiuj)/(xj) =  − (1)/(ρ)(p)/(xi) + ν2ui
In the spirit of Reynolds decomposition, the velocity can be decomposed into a large scale component as well as a sub-grid component.
(10) ui = ui + uiso that uiuj = uiuj + τΔij
where τΔij is the subgrid-scale (SGS) stress tensor that includes all unclosed terms. Eventually, the incompressible filtered Navier-Stokes equations become
(11) (uj)/(xj) = 0
(12) (ui)/(t) + (uiuj)/(xj) + (τΔij)/(xj) =  − (1)/(ρ)(p)/(xi) + ν2ui
Eq.(12↑) is very similar to the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equation. In order to close the system, the SGS stress tensor τΔij will need to be modeled in terms of the filtered velocity field.
Smagorinsky model:
Smakorinsky (1963) [7] proposed a SGS model which has been used extensively in the LES literature. Similarly to the Boussinesq assumption, the deviatoric part of the stress tensor is defined by
(13) τΔ, smagij = τΔij − (1)/(3)τΔkkδij =  − 2νtSi, j
where Si, j is the resolved (filtered) strain rate tensor. The eddy viscosity definition also has much in common with Prandtl’s mixing length hypothesis (Eq.()). It is given by
(14) νt = (CΔsΔ)2|S|
with |S| = (2Si, j Si, j)1 ⁄ 2, Δ is used as a mixing length and CΔs is the Smagorinsky coefficient. The SGS model can be validated without running a full Large Eddy Simulation. If the flow field is already known with great detail (DNS), the data can be used to compute the SGS stress tensor using Eq.(13↑) and Eq.(14↑). Such comparison is typically called “a-priori testing". This approach can be used to calibrate the Smagorinsky coefficient CΔs. In the case of statistically stationary isotropic turbulence with Δ≪η, Lilly (1967) showed that CΔs ~ 0.16 [3]. This coefficient is considered to be scale-invariant within the inertial range. Several other SGS models are available in the literature, including the kinetic energy model (Schumann (1975) [6]) and the dynamic model (Germano (1991) [2]). For an exhaustive review of LES modeling, the reader is referred to Meneveau (2000) [4].
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