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In the derivation of numerous equations of motion a double cross product or vector triple product occurs. This can be resolved using two cross product operations or by using the following identity:
(8) A × (B × C) = (AC)B − (AB)C
Notice that the two terms on the right hand side of the equation do not have a symbol before the vector. That is because the operations within the parentheses result in scalars that multiply each term of the vector. A dot product where the gradient () operates on another vector is known as the gradient.
The curl of the gradient of a scalar, F, is always zero:
(9)  × F = 0
The divergence of a curl is always zero:
(10) ⋅( × A) = 0
Examples of typical cross product problems, as well as applications illustrating the usefulness of the cross products can be found in the remainder of the section.
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