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In an iterative simulation, the result should be approaching the final or exact value. Computing the norm at each iteration, should result in behavior similar to Fig. 1↓.
figure images/Euclidean_Norm.jpg
Figure 1 Illustration of the behavior of the Euclidean norm during an iterative solution.

In computations with matrices, one can compute the condition of the matrix. Condition(A) = ||A||*||A − 1|| yields a measure of how reliable is the prediction error:
(||b||)/(||A||*||x||)*(||r||)/(||b||) ≤ (||e||)/(||x||)  ≤  (||A − 1||*||b||)/(||x||)*(||r||)/(||b||) (||b − A||)/(||b||)  =  (||x − ||)/(||x||)
In this computation, A − 1 is needed, which can be a problem. A − 1 can be estimated. If A is triangular, then the condition of (A) ≥ (||A||)/(min|aii|). Otherwise,
(||x − ||)/(||||) ≤ cond(A)(||E||)/(||A||)
where A =  + E. If the cond(A) is large, then a small change in the matrix values will result in a large change. Therefore, the error will be large, as illustrated by
(1)/(cond(A))  =  min(||A − B||)/(||A||)where B is not invertible Bx  =  0 x⃗  ≠  0
A matrix is considered to be ill-conditioned if cond(A) is ’large’. In an engineering sense, this means that (1)/(u), where u is the roundoff error. Without knowing how conditioned a matrix is, one can get iterative improvement in the answer:
Ax = b 1  is solution, e = x − 1 r = b − A1 2 = 1 + 1  where Ae=r and is solution ...continue until... (||k||)/(k) ≈ 10 − s
where s ≡  number of decimal places.
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