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Example 2
Finding the governing equation for the example at hand using Polar coordinate, r, θ.
Kinetic energy of the system is
(10) KE = (1)/(2)m(r’(t)2 + r(t)2θ’(t)2)
The potential energy of the system is due to gravity and spring. The potential energy due to the gravity field is:
(11) PEm = mg(y0 − r(t)cos(θ(t)))
Where y0 is y coordinate at θ = 0.
The potential energy due to springs is given by:
(12) PEs = (1)/(2)k(r(t) − y0)2
Neglecting the boundary terms, the variational of kinetic energy is
(13) t2t1(δKEdt)  = δt2t1(1)/(2)m(r’(t)2 + r(t)2θ’(t)2)dt  = t2t1(mr’(t)δr’ + mr2(t)θδθ’ + mθ2(t)r(t)δr)dt  = t2t1( − mr’’(t)δr − m(r2(t)θ’)’δθ + mθ2(t)r(t)δr)dt  = t2t1( − mr’’(t)δr − mr2(t)θ’’δθ − 2mr’(t)r(t)θδθ + mθ2(t)r(t)δr)dt
Similarly, the variational of the potential energy is
(14) δt2t1( PEs + PEm)dt  = t2t1δ(1)/(2)k(r(t) − y0)2 + mg(y0 − r(t)cos(θ(t)))dt  = t2t1( − mgcos(θ(t))δr + mgr(t)sin(θ(t))δθ + k(r(t) − y0)δr)dt
Hamilton’s formulation is then applied:
There is no non-conservative force in this problem; therefore, δWnc = 0. Finally
(15) t2t1(δKE − δPE + δWnc)dt =  t2t1( − mr’’(t)δr − mr(t)2θ’’δθ − 2mr’(t)r(t)θδθ + mθ’(t)2r(t)δr)dt +  t2t1(mgcos(θ(t))δr − mgr(t)sin(θ(t))δθ − k(r(t) − y0)δr)dt
Since r(t) and θ(t) are independent, coefficients of δθ and δr should be zero independently. So the governing equations will be
(16)  − mr’’(t) + mθ’(t)2r(t) + mgcos(θ(t)) − k(r(t) − y0)  = 0  − mr(t)2θ’’ − 2mr’(t)r(t)θ’ − mgr(t)sin(θ(t))  = 0
Which can be simplified to
(17) mr’’(t) − mθ’(t)2r(t) − mgcos(θ(t)) + k(r(t) − y0) = 0 mr(t)θ’’ + 2mr’(t)θ’ + mgsin(θ(t)) = 0
Common Mistake
One common mistake is to assume r(t) is a constant. For example in eq. 13↑, using integration by parts to simplify δt2t1(1)/(2)m(r(t)2θ’(t)2)dt, if r is assumed to be a constant, the derivation becomes
(18) t2t1mr(t)2θδθdt =  − t2t1mr(t)2θ’’δθdt
This mistake leads to a missing 2mr’(t)θ term in the governing equation for θ (eq. 17↑).
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