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Formatting the READ and WRITE functions simply requires replacing the second asterisk (READ(*,*)) with a string of CHARACTERS. The format string can be either inserted as a CHARACTER variable or parameter or as the text itself. The format for using READ and WRITE is
WRITE(*,"(format strings)") variables that are output
READ(*,"(format strings)") variables that are input
Strings follow a simple format that is summed up in
  • w describes the maximum length.
  • m describes the minimum length.
  • d describes the number of places after the decimal point.
  • e describes the the number of places in an exponent.
INTEGER Iw or Iw.m
REAL Decimal form Fw.d
Exponential form Ew.d or Ee
Scientific form ESw.d or ESe
Engineering form ENw.d or ENe
TabbingTc,TLc and TRc
Format Scanning Control :
Sign Control S, SP and SS
Blank Control BN and BZ
When using the symbol [Iw.m] to format text the first symbol [I] tells the compiler how to handle INTEGER variables. The next symbol tells the compiler the maximum number of spaces to use when writing an INTEGER. The second symbol [.m] tells the compiler the minimum number of spaces to fill with integers.
  • m must be positive and equal to or less than the w symbol.
  • If .m is 4 and the number is 3 digits long than the compiler will put a zero in front of your number.
  • If the number is longer than the symbol .m then no change will be made to the number.
  • If the format is defined as I5.5 or I5, but the number is -1234, a series of asterisks will result because there are only 5 possible spaces that must be integers so the complete number can not be printed.
When using the LOGICAL symbol [Lw] to format text the first symbol [L] tells the compiler how to handle LOGICALs. The second symbol [w] tells the compiler how many spaces to use when printing the T or F for .TRUE. or .FALSE. respectively. If the w is a 5 the compiler will print 4 empty spaces followed by a T or F.
When using the CHARACTER symbol [Aw] the A describes how to write CHARACTER string. The w describes how many spaces to use when writing a CHARACTER string. If w is longer than the length of the string then extra spaces will be printed to the left of the sting. If w is shorter than the length of the string then the number of characters up to the length of w (from left to right) are printed, then the rest are truncated.
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