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Fortran 90 (or newer derivatives) is the programming language of choice for most computational codes that solve the Navier-Stokes equations (also known as Computational Fluid Dynamics or CFD). The Fortran language remains the fastest approach to solving computationally-intensive (matrix, vector, parallel) mathematics, and this language is typically applied on most high performance computing (HPC) simulations. Aerospace-related disciplines that use Fortran language codes include aerodynamics, fluid dynamics, nonlinear fluid-based aeroelasticity (also known as fluid-structure interaction), combustion, propulsion, and weather forecasting.
Well-known simulation codes based on Fortran 90 include the codes FUN3D and OVERFLOW, ARC2D, CFL3D, and XFOIL to name a few. These codes are used on fixed-wing vehicle, rotary-wing vehicle, launch vehicle, automotive, wind energy, and naval applications.