It is recommended to look at the numerical methods codes where the use of variables is demonstrated. An additional example is included here.
PROGRAM SCOPE IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: a=5,b=6,c=10, i=20 WRITE(*,*) SUM(a,b) WRITE(*,*) MUL(a) WRITE(*,*) FACTORIAL(c) WRITE(*,’(SS,4(I2 /))’) a,b,c,i !The values of ’a’ ’b’ ’i’ and ’c’ are still !a=5 b=6 c=10 i=20 at the end of the program CONTAINS INTEGER FUNCTION sum(in1,in2) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: in1, in2 sum= in1+in2 END FUNCTION sum !The values of ’in1’ and ’in2’ only apply here !(Local variables) and nowhere else. If used !outside of this function, there would be an error. INTEGER FUNCTION mul(a) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: a mul= a*b END FUNCTION mul !Because ’b’ is a global variable, the programmer !did not have to declare it again because ’b’ !already exists in the program INTEGER FUNCTION factorial(c) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: c INTEGER :: i,fact fact=1 IF (c==0 .OR. c==1) THEN factorial=1 ELSE DO i=c,1,-1 fact= fact*i factorial=fact END DO END IF END FUNCTION factorial !despite already existing with a different value, ’i’ !can be used as a new variable here without affecting !the value of ’i’ in the main program unit END PROGRAM SCOPE