In this demonstration, the use of SELECT CASE command is demonstrated.
In fluid mechanics or aerodynamics, it is possible to determine the local Mach number at a point when the pressure coefficient and free stream Mach numbers are known. This can be important when trying to determine if a point on a configuration is in the subsonic or supersonic Mach regimes. The equation to determine the pressure coefficient at point a, Cp, a is nonlinear:
M∞ and Cp, a are known, while Ma is not known. A bisection or Newton-Raphson method can be used to determine Ma through the process known as root finding.
PROGRAM Cp_Mach IMPLICIT NONE REAL, PARAMETER :: pi=4.0*ATAN(1.0), gamma = 1.4 INTEGER :: choice, nmax LOGICAL :: mystop = .TRUE. REAL :: M, Cp, Ma, ml, mr, tol, Cp_test, Cp_test2, slope WRITE(*,*) ’This program computes the Mach number at a certain point on an airfoil.’ WRITE(*,*) ’The output should be within .01% accuracy.’ WRITE(*,*) ’Required user input: Cp value and freestream Mach number.’ WRITE(*,*) ’ ’ !Input Mach number DO WHILE (mystop) WRITE(*,*) ’Enter Mach (M-Infinity) number’ READ(*,*) M ! Make sure the Mach number is reasonable IF ( M <= 0.0 .OR. M > 10.0) THEN mystop = .TRUE. WRITE(*,*) ’Too extreme of a Mach number.’ WRITE(*,*) ’Please choose a Mach number between [0.1, 10].’ ELSE mystop = .FALSE. END IF END DO !Input Cp value DO WRITE(*,*) ’Enter coefficient of pressure (Cp) value’ READ(*,*) Cp ! Make sure Cp is reasonable IF (Cp <= 1.0 .AND. Cp >= -10.0) THEN EXIT ELSE WRITE(*,*) ’ Cp values should be between [-10,1] ’ END IF END DO !Set a few constants gam = gamma gm1 = gamma - 1.0 !Input numerical method choice DO WRITE(*,*) ’Enter <1> for Bisection Method or <2> for Newton-Raphson Method’ READ(*,*) choice IF (choice == 1 .OR. choice == 2) THEN EXIT ELSE WRITE(*,*) ’Please enter an appropriate choice (1 or 2)’ END IF END DO ! nmax = 0 !Make sure there are no infinite loops. SELECT CASE (choice) CASE (1) WRITE(*,*) ’Bisection Method’ ! Set bounds ml = 0.0 mr = 10.0 DO ! initialize Ma at middle of bounds Ma = (ml + mr) / 2.0 Cp_test = (2.0/(gam*M**2)) * (( (1. + (gm1/2.)*(M**2.)) & / (1. + (gm1/2.)*(Ma**2.)) ) ** (gam/gm1) - 1.) - Cp ! Within tolerance? tol = ABS(Cp_test) nmax = nmax + 1 IF (tol <= .0001) THEN ! Within tolerance of .1% EXIT ELSE IF (nmax >= 500) THEN !Stop infinite loop WRITE(*,*) ’ Maximum iterations reached (500).’ WRITE(*,*) ’Error Analysis:’ WRITE(*,*) ’Either Mach or Cp may be too extreme, causing’ WRITE(*,*) ’Ma to never be found. Please check input and retry.’ STOP ELSE IF (Cp_test > 0.0) THEN ! Update the left bound ml = Ma ELSE IF (Cp_test < 0.0) THEN ! Update the right bound mr = Ma END IF END DO CASE (2) WRITE(*,*) ’Newton-Raphson Method’ Ma = .9*M ! initial guess DO Cp_test = (2.0/(gam*M**2)) * (( (1. + gm1/2.)*(M**2.)) & / (1. + (gm1/2.)*(Ma**2.)) ) ** (gam/gm1) - 1.) - Cp tol = ABS(Cp_test) nmax = nmax + 1 IF (tol <= .001) THEN !Within tolerance of .1% EXIT ELSE IF (nmax >= 500) THEN !Stop inifinite loop WRITE(*,*) ’ Maximum iterations reached (500).’ WRITE(*,*) ’Error Analysis:’ WRITE(*,*) ’Either Mach or Cp may be too extreme, causing’ WRITE(*,*) ’Ma to never be found. Please check input and retry.’ STOP ELSE ! Obtain local slope Ma = Ma + .00001 Cp_test2 = (2.0/(gam*M**2)) * (( (1. + (gm1/2.)*(M**2.)) & / (1. + (gm1/2.)*(Ma**2.)) ) ** (gam/gm1) - 1.) - Cp slope = (Cp_test2 - Cp_test) / 0.00001 ! Apply formula M(i+1) = M - f(M) / f’(M) Ma = (Ma - 0.000001) - (Cp_test) / slope END IF END DO END SELECT WRITE(*,*) ’Ma =’, Ma END PROGRAM Cp_Mach