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Recall that we first began our 3D analysis with:



We have seen something similar relating different points in planar dynamics.

Recalling this, we can prove that ωB/A is unique and that ωB/A= -ωA/B

Notice what happens to equation (1) if B remains fixed in time with respect to A, ωB/A=0. What happens when we have multiple frames of reference, as in many moving parts in a system? Using our basic formula, we can write the relationship of the various systems to each other:




Replacing (3) into (1), we have:


Comparing with (2) we see that ωC/A=ωC/B + ωB/A. This can be easily shown to be extensible to multiple axes.

If the k axis in both frames A and B remains the same, then we have simple planar motion. In that case,

(Simple angular velocity)

However, this result can also hold if A is moving along k, but such that kA still remains parallel to kB. This is translational motion in k, but the bodies no longer remain in the same plane.

Note that you can have simple angular velocity in i and j as well;

// to i axis

// to j axis


The derivative of the angular velocity will rpovide the same result no matter which frame of reference it is computed in.