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The forces Fk1 and Fk2 are the forces applied by the two springs. Notice that the free-body diagram is drawn so that Fk2 acts in opposite directions for body 1 and body 2, which ensures that Newton’s third law is satisfied. The force Fd is the force applied by the damper. The force Ff is the friction force applied to body 2 by the ground, which causes it to rotate in the clockwise direction.
Notice that there are no forces in the y or z directions for either body. This is because, from the constraints, there is no motion in those directions, and so the forces and moments in those directions are not necessary to develop the equations of motion. Next, the equations of motions are developed using Newton’s second law.

1.1 Body 1

Note that, as the motion for this body is constrained to the direction only, one only needs to write the equation of motion in that direction. Applying Newton’s second law for a body with constant mass, written with the -direction taken as positive:
(1) Mx1̈ = Fk2 − Fk1 − Fd
It is now necessary to relate the forces to the generalized variables. In this step, it is necessary to be consistent in using the same sign convention from the free-body diagram and in Eq. 1↑. This results in:
(2) Fk1 = k1x1
(3) Fk2 = k2(x2 − x1)
The spring forces given above are for a linear spring. For a linear spring, the force equation is spring constant  ×  stretched length. In this problem, the generalized variables x1 and x2 are defined so that both springs are unstretched when x1 = x2 = 0. The stretched length of spring 1 depends only on x1, while the stretched length of spring 2 depends on both generalized variables. For spring 2, the stretched length increases when the difference between x2 and x1 increases.
(4) Fd = cx1̇
Substituting these relations into Eq. 1↑ yields
(5) Mx1̈ = k2(x2 − x1) − k1x1 − cx1̇
(6) Mx1̈ + cx1̇ + (k1 + k2) − k2x2 = 0
Equation 6↑ is the equation of motion for body 1. However, there are still two unknown variables in the equation (x1 and x2) but only one equation. To get the other equation, Newton’s laws are applied to body 2. Note that we didn’t apply Newton’s laws for rotation of body 1 were not applied, because the constraints specify that body 1 does not rotate.

1.2 Body 2

Body 2 both translates in the direction and rotates about the axis out of the plane. Therefore, Newton’s law for translation and rotation for this body are needed. From the free-body diagram, Newton’s second law for a constant-mass body is used, again being careful of the sign convention:
(7) mx2̈ =  − Fk2 − Ff
Substituting in the expression developed previously for Fk2:
(8) mx2̈ =  − k2(x2 − x1) − Ff
There is currently no expression for Ff, but that is okay because we still need to write Newton’s law for rotation about the z axis. Newton’s second law for rotation should be applied at the center of mass. Considering a clockwise rotation to be positive (note that the constraint relation between x2 and θ was written with this sign convention), the rotation equation is
(9) Iθ̈ = FfR
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