Demonstration: Data Fitting Multiple Sets of Data.
In experiments, it is routine to replicate a test multiple times. In this example, four sets of data for a rotor blade over one revolution are fit to generate one curve.
PROGRAM datafit IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: ierr1, nl, order, check CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: myfile REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: points myfile = ’blade.dat’ !Flight test data file !!!!!! FILE FORMAT !!!!!! ! blade.dat is the file for flight test data ! It should be in the form: ! Azimuthal Location, Exp. 1, Exp. 2, Exp. 3, Exp. 4 !!!!!! END !!!!!! CALL readFile DO order = 1,10 CALL datafit(order,nl,points,check) IF (check == 1) THEN EXIT ENDIF ENDDO WRITE(*,*) !Extra line for aesthetics CONTAINS SUBROUTINE readFile IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i, j, ios REAL :: z WRITE(*,*) !Extra line for aesthetics WRITE(*,*) ’Reading from file: ’, myfile !Open file to read from it OPEN(UNIT=1, FILE=myfile) !Determine the number of lines in the file nl = 0 !Initialize DO i = 1,1000,1 READ (1, *, IOSTAT=ios) !Dummy variable !If it’s the end of the file, then exit IF (ios /= 0) THEN EXIT ELSEIF (i == 1000) THEN WRITE (*,*) ’Maximum 1000 lines’ ELSE nl = nl + 1 ENDIF ENDDO WRITE(*,*) ’End of file found:’, nl, ’pieces of data total.’ nl = nl*4 WRITE(*,*) ’Hence, ’, nl, ’ data points found.’ WRITE(*,*) ’’ CLOSE(1) !Use this number to allocate size to x and Cp ALLOCATE(points(nl,2), STAT=ierr1) IF (ierr1 .NE. 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ’Allocation denied. Program terminated.’ STOP ENDIF OPEN(UNIT=1, FILE=myfile) !Read from file DO i=1,nl,4 READ(1,*,IOSTAT=ios) z, (points(j,2), j=i,i+3) points(i:i+3,1) = z ENDDO CLOSE(1) END SUBROUTINE readFile !!!!!!!!!!
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