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Ritz Method: Clamped-Free Beam
Consider a clamped-free beam in bending, where the kinetic energy is defined as
(1) KE = (1)/(2)l0m(w)/(t)2dx, 
where the w is the bending deflection and m is the mass per unit length of the beam. The total potential energy PE is the sum of the internal strain energy U and additional potential energy. The term Qk should comprise all other loads like damping and aerodynamic loads. The strain energy for a beam in bending is defined as
(2) U = (1)/(2)l0EI(2w)/(x2)2dx.
The virtual work resulting from an applied distributed load per unit length f(x, t) is
(3) δW = l0f(x, t)δw(x, t)dx.
The beam itself will have potential energy (strain energy) and kinetic energy associated with it. All potential energies will populate the [K] (or stiffness) matrix, and all kinetic energies will populate the [M] (or mass) matrix.
The strain energy of the beam is
(4) U = (1)/(2)ni = 1nj = 1qiqj0EIφ′′iφ′′j dx.
Starting from the general solution of the beam in bending, apply the boundary conditions:
(5) X(0)  = 0 X’(0)  = 0
The equation for strain energy can be derived using knowledge about the mode shapes and can be further simplified by orthogonality to the following:
(6) U = (EI)/(2)ni = 1q2iα4i
The kinetic energy for the beam can be written as
(7) KEbeam = (1)/(2)ni = 1nj = 1qi̇qj̇0mφiφj dx
Again, knowing the mode shapes from above, and φi(ℓ) and φj(ℓ) are also known from the beam bending problem as φi(ℓ) = 2( − 1)i + 1. Removing common constants, and plugging in these values, the following expression is obtained:
(8) KE = (1)/(2)ni = 1nj = 1qi̇qj̇δij
where δij is 1 only for i = j and is otherwise 0. Now looking at Lagrange’s equations,
(9) [M]{} + [K]{q} = 0
Since the only energy contributing to the [K] matrix is beam strain energy, it will be a diagonal matrix with elements
(10) Kii = EIα4i for i = 1, 2, …, n
The beam will contribute only along the diagonal of the mass matrix:
(11) Mij = mℓ[δij] for i, j = 1, 2, …, n
Finally, assuming q = qeiωt and plugging in the [K] and [M] matrices to solve the eigenvalue problem
(12) [[K] − ω2[M]]{q} = 0
This solution is usually computed using a program such as mathematica or matlab, and a demo of this has been done to show the solutions of the modal frequencies (see Ritz Method Demo).