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The Wave Equation
  • One can solve for x and t from eq. 9↑ and substitute in wave equations.
    (10) x = (η + ξ)/(2) t = (ξ − η)/(2C)
    One can recognize ξ = x − Ct and η = x + Ct as characteristic lines of wave equations.
Step two, calculate derivatives  Recall that the chain rule can be used to calculate derivatives:
  • (11) (u)/(x) = (u)/(ξ)(ξ)/(x) + (u)/(η)(η)/(x)
    (12) (ξ)/(x) = 1
    (13) (η)/(x) = 1
    (14) (u)/(x) = (u)/(ξ) + (u)/(η)
    If (u)/(ξ) = p and (u)/(η) = q then
    (15) (u)/(x) = p + q
    The second derivative of u with respect to x can be defined as
    (16) (2u)/(x2) = (p)/(x) + (q)/(x)
    (17) (p)/(x) = (p)/(ξ) + (p)/(η)
    (18) (q)/(x) = (q)/(ξ) + (q)/(η)
    Substituting eqs. 17↑ and 18↑ into eq. 16↑ and substituting for p and q, one finally can have:
    (19) (2u)/(x2) = (2u)/(ξ2) + 2(2u)/(ξη) + (2u)/(η2)
    (20) (2u)/(t2) = C2(2u)/(ξ2) − 2C2(2u)/(ξη) + C2(2u)/(η2)
Step three, write the wave equation in characteristic coordinates  Substituting these two equations in eq.  leads to
(21) (2u)/(ξη) = 0
Step four, solve the wave equation in characteristic coordinate  Equation 21↑ can be solved by direct integration:
  • (22) u(ξ, η)  = (2u)/(ξη)dξdη  = (u)/(ξ)dξ + G(η)  = F(ξ) + G(η)
    (23) u(ξ, η) = F(ξ) + G(η) = F(x − Ct) + G(x + Ct)
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