The use of the subroutines is demonstrated in the Theory and Examples sections using snippets of code. The Numerical Methods section has a number of codes that also demonstrate the use of these in full codes.
PROGRAM h5 IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i, j, tick, ios, n INTEGER, PARAMETER :: r4 = selected_real_kind(4,32) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: r8 = selected_real_kind(8,32) REAL(KIND=r4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: mA, cA, f REAL(KIND=r4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: mB, cB, sol REAL(KIND=r8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: dsol !NOTE :: FILE FORMAT !The file should be placed into the program as an input, e.g. ! ./h5.e < fort1.20 !Meaning this is coming from a file named "fort1.20" ! !The format of the data within the input file should be as follows: ! N (Number of variables/equations) ! Row 1 Coefficients of Input Matrix and Element 1 of Output Vector ! Row 1 Coefficients of Input Matrix and Element 1 of Output Vector ! .... ! Row N Coefficients of Input Matrix and Element 1 of Output Vector ! ! e.g. ! 2 ! 2, 100000, 100000 ! 1, 1, 2 ! !The above is for the equations: ! 2x + 100,000y = 100,000 ! x + y = 2 !Read in file READ(5,*) n !First line displays size of matrix !Allocate A and B sizes ALLOCATE(mA(n,n), cA(n,n), mB(n), cB(n), f(n,n), sol(n), dsol(n)) f(1:n,1:n) = 0 sol(1:n) = 0 dsol(1:n) = 0 !Read in the rest of the file DO i = 1,n READ (5, *, IOSTAT=ios) (mA(i,j), j=1,n), mB(i) ENDDO !Original Equations WRITE(*,*) ’Original Equations: ’ DO i=1,n WRITE(*,*) mA(i,1:n), ’ == ’, mB(i) ENDDO cA = mA cB = mB WRITE(*,*) !Make a copy of Matrices A and B for use DO tick = 1,3,1 SELECT CASE (tick) CASE(1) WRITE(*,*) ’Naive Strategy Solutions:’ CALL gauss(n, cA, cB, sol, dsol) CALL myerr(n, mA, mB, sol, dsol) WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) CASE(2) WRITE(*,*) ’Pivoting Strategy Solutions:’ CALL pivot(n, mA, mB, cA, cB) CALL gauss(n, cA, cB, sol, dsol) CALL myerr(n, mA, mB, sol, dsol) WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) CASE(3) WRITE(*,*) ’Scaling Strategy Solutions:’ CALL scale(n, mA, mB, cA, cB) !Also involves a possible need for a pivot CALL pivot(n, cA, cB, cA, cB) CALL gauss(n, cA, cB, sol, dsol) CALL myerr(n, mA, mB, sol, dsol) WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) END SELECT ENDDO CONTAINS !!! code is continued on next page
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