It is recommended to look at the numerical methods codes where the use of subroutines is demonstrated. An additional example is included here.
This example calls the subroutine named "linearForm"
!Interpolation loop DO i=1,SIZE(myout,1),1 DO j=1,SIZE(datain,1),1 IF (my(i,1) > da(j,1) .AND. my(i,1) < da(j+1,1)) THEN line(1:2,1) = da(j:j+1,1) line(1:2,2) = da(j:j+1,2) CALL linearForm(line, i)
which is located at the end of the file with the code
CONTAINS !———————————————————————-- SUBROUTINE linearForm(a, row) IMPLICIT NONE REAL, DIMENSION(2,2) :: a INTEGER :: r !Use linear 1st order Taylor series !f(x) = f(x_0) + [(x - x_0)/(x_1 - x_0)] * [f(x_1) - f(x_0)] out(r, 2) = a(1,2) + ((out(r,1) - a(1,1)) / & (a(2,1) - a(1,1))) * (a(2,2) - a(1,2)) END SUBROUTINE linearForm
Here, CONTAINS is the last line of the main program, and the subroutine follows directly after.