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Einstein notation

The Einstein notation decribed in the theory section can be used to achieve notational brevity. This is particularly useful when applied to the Navier-Stokes equations! For example, the incompressible continuity equation
(1) (u1)/(x1) + (u2)/(x2) + (u3)/(x3) = 0  can be reduced to (uj)/(xj) = 0
The index variable j appears several times in a single term. Therefore, it represents a summation over all values of the index (1, 2 and 3), as can be seen in Eq.(1↑). Similarly, the convective term of the x1-momentum equations
(2) u1(u1)/(x1) + u2(u1)/(x2) + u3(u1)/(x3)  can be written uj(u1)/(xj)
It is important to make the distinction between the indexes that appear several times in a single term, and those that don’t. For example, within the full Navier-Stokes equations, the convective terms are typically written
(3) uj(ui)/(xj)
The j index is repeated, and therefore represents a summation. On the other hand, the index i is alone in this term. This is because Eq.(3↑) actually describes the three momentum equations, along x1, x2 and x3. The index i therefore takes the value 1, 2 or 3, depending on the momentum equation considered (i = 1 in Eq.(2↑)). It is interesting to notice that the convective term as described in Eq.(3↑) is different from that described in the theory section. The latter is written in its conservative form, where all velocities are incorporated within the partial derivative. In the incompressible case, it is straightforward to show that these two expressions are equal.
(4) ((uiuj))/(xj) = ui(uj)/(xj) + uj(ui)/(xj) = uj(ui)/(xj)
because uj ⁄ ∂xj = 0 from the conservation of mass. Finally, the viscous term
(5) ν(2ui)/(x21) + (2ui)/(x22) + (2ui)/(x23)  can be reduced to ν(2ui)/(xjxj)

Reynolds Averaging

As described in the theory section, each variable (eg. p) is decomposed into a mean (eg. P) and a fluctuating component (eg. p).
(6) ui = Ui + uiand p = P + p
In this section, Ui and P are time averages. For example, Ui is defined by
(7) Ui(x) = limT → ∞(1)/(T)t0 + Tt0ui(x, t)dt
where t0 is the starting instant of the averaging process. Eq.(7↑) is useful as long as the turbulence is stationary. If it is not, the average period T must be chosen more carefuly. It must be large enough to capture the maximum periods of the turbulent fluctuations T1, but remains smaller than the time scale T2 representative of the slow variations in the flow. Hence, the time average Ui for non-stationary turbulence is given by
(8) Ui(x, t) = (1)/(T)t + Ttui(x, t)dt with T1TT2
Conservation of mass:
Introducing the Reynolds decomposition into the continuity equation (Eq.(1↑)), one obtains
(9) (uj)/(xj) = (Uj)/(xj) + (uj)/(xj) = 0
Taking the average of Eq.(9↑),
(10) (Uj)/(xj) + (uj)/(xj) = (Uj)/(xj) + (uj)/(xj) = 0
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