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Example 1
Consider the following example of a box that is hanging from two cables (see Fig. 1↓). Since it is in static equilibrium, it is not moving or rotating. In order for this to occur the net forces and moments in each coordinate direction must equal zero. For simplification, this problem has no applied moments.
figure images/1.png
Figure 1 A box hanging from two cables.

After selection of the Cartesian coordinate system, the forces on the box are identified, and these forces are decomposed into their x and y components as shown in Fig. 2↓.
figure images/2.png
Figure 2 Free body diagram for example 1.

Next, the equations of equilibrium are written:
ΣFx = 0
 − T1sina + T2sinb = 0
ΣFy = 0
T1cosa + T2cosb − mg = 0
There are two equations for the two unknowns, thus, this problem can be solved without further information. Solve for T1 or T2 from ΣFx = 0:
T1 = (T2sinb)/(sina)
Replace T1 into the ΣFy = 0 equation:
T1cosa + T2cosb − mg = 0
(T2sinb)/(sina)cosa + T2cosb = mg
T2(sinb)/(tana) + cosb = mg
T2 = (mg)/((sinb)/(tana) + cosb)
Substitute T2 into the previous expression for T1 (that is a function of T2).
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