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-d∂-(K---V-)      2¨
dt    ∂ ˙θ   = mL   θ

   ∂θ     = - mgL sinθ

and finally
mL2 ¨θ + mgL sinθ = 0

One can simplify eq. 21 to eq. 9. Notice that by using Lagrange’s method, one can avoid deriving a governing equation for tension force (T).


When there is no non-conservative force and moments, one can write Hamilton’s principle as below
∫ t2
    δ(K - V )dt = 0

Again KE is kinetic energy (eq. 15) and PE is potential energy (eq. 16); therefore, one can write
∫ t2          ∫ t2   1           ∫  t2
    δ(K )dt =     δ(-mL2 ˙θ2)dt =    mL2 θ˙δ˙θdt
 t1            t1    2             t1

Using integration by parts one can simplify eq. 23
∫ t2    2         ∫  t2    2          2    t
    mL  ˙θδ˙θdt = -    mL   ¨θδθdt+ mL  θ˙δθ|2t1
 t1                 t1

One can choose δθ such that the boundary terms in eq. 24 are zero (mL2˙θδθ|t1t2 = 0). Hence
∫ t2           ∫ t2   2
    δ(K )dt = -     mL  ¨θδθdt
 t1             t1

One can also simplify the term related to potential energy in Hamilton’s principle as below
  ∫ t          ∫ t                      ∫ t
-   2 δVdt = -    2δmgL (1-  cos θ)dt = -   2mgL  sin θδθdt
   t1            t1                       t1

Substituting eqs. 25 and 26 into eq. 22 one has
∫ t2                ∫ t2
   δ(K  - V)dt = -     (mL2 ¨θ + mgL sin θ)δθdt = 0
 t1                  t1

In eq. 27, δθ is arbitrary so for the eq. 27 to hold, mL2θ + mgLsinθ = 0,which is the same as eq. 21.


Since there is no source or sink of energy, the principle of conservation of mechanical energy holds.
E = K  + V = cte

Where E is mechanical energy. One can write eq. 28 between two difference points along motion of mass, point A and B.
K   + V  = K   + V
  A    A     B    B


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