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Example 1: Derivation
Derive, without inserting any values for r, θ, and z, the velocity v⃗P and acceleration a⃗P equations in cylindrical coordinates of point P from the position vector r⃗OP.
The position vector r⃗OP = rr + Z can be written in terms of Cartesian coordinates: x = rcos(θ) and y = rsin(θ) to be
r = cos(θ) + sin(θ)
θ =  − sin(θ) + cos(θ)
Differentiating r⃗OP gives
v⃗P = (dr⃗OP)/(dt) = r⃗̇ = r + rê̇r + 
Since e⃗r is relative to P and is fixed to P:
e⃗̇r =  − θ̇sin(θ) + θ̇cos(θ) = θ̇θ
Replacing these unit definitions into the velocity equation gives the velocity:
(1) v⃗P = r + θ̇rθ + 
To find the acceleration, differentiate again:
a⃗P = v⃗̇P = r + ê̇r + θ̈rθ + θ̇θ + θ̇rê̇θ + 
Replacing the unit vector definitions and noting that ê̇θ =  − θ̇cos(θ) − θ̇sin(θ) =  − θ̇r, the acceleration can be written as
(2) a⃗P = ( − rθ̇2)r + (rθ̈ + 2θ̇)θ + 
Example 1: Application
A helicopter, ’B’, flies a helical pattern as shown in the figure. The vertical drop for each revolution (2π) as θ changes on the helix can be written as (pθ)/(2π).
figure Helix.jpg
Determine the position, velocity and acceleration of point B in cylindrical coordinates. For the values R = 0.3m, p = 0.2m, and θ̇ = 0.6t(rad)/(s), find the values for the velocity and acceleration vectors of B when t = 10s.
Consider the location of the helicopter in time. Here r⃗ = Rr *.5cmz⃗ =  − (Pθ)/(2π) where θ = θ(t).
The position vector at any time can be written as:
(3) r⃗OB = Re⃗r +  − (Pθ)/(2π)
Similarly, from eqn. 1↑, the velocity of the helicopter is
v⃗B = r + θ̇Rθ +  − (Pθ̇)/(2π)
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