This code demonstrates the FFT of a set of discrete data. The data set had 361 data points. Since the FFT requires data elements to the power of two, zeros padded the data array from 362 to 512, the next number using the power of 2.
PROGRAM FFT_discrete !Description: This program determines the FFT of data ! provided from a .dat file. IMPLICIT NONE REAL, PARAMETER :: pi=4.0*ATAN(1.0) INTEGER :: i, nl, ierr REAL :: fs CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: myfile INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: f REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: time, myreal, myimag !COMPLEX, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: comp REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: comp myfile = ’compData.dat’ !Computational data file CALL readFile(myfile) WRITE(*,*) !Allocate ALLOCATE(time(nl),myreal(nl),myimag(nl), f(nl/2)) !Notes: ! w = 2*pi*freq ! f = 1/T where T = period !Set time precision !Implied DO Loop used here! time(1:nl) = (/((i)*(1/REAL(nl)), i=0,nl-1)/) !Time for both cos(2*pi*t) !Set Sampling Frequency fs = SIZE(time)/time(SIZE(time)) !Split up real and imaginary portions of function myreal(1:nl) = comp(1:nl,2) myimag(1:nl) = (/((0.*i), i=1,nl)/) !Run it through the FFT via scramble and unscramble CALL scram(512,myreal,myimag) CALL unscram(512,myreal, myimag) !Note:: "512" used because it is the next power ! of 2 higher than the length (361) !Store magnitudes by reusing myreal vector myreal(1:nl) = (/(SQRT(myreal(i)**2 + myimag(i)**2), i=1,nl)/) !Create frequency axis values f(1:nl/2) = (/(REAL(i)/REAL(SIZE(time)),& i=0,SIZE(time)*(int(fs/2.)-1),int(fs))/) WRITE(*,*) ’FFT Transformation:’ WRITE(*,*) ’(Frequency & Magnitude)’ DO i = 1,nl/2-1 WRITE(*,*) f(i), myreal(i) ENDDO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! SUBROUTINES !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONTAINS SUBROUTINE readFile(name) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i, ios CHARACTER(LEN=50), INTENT(IN) :: name WRITE(*,*) !Extra line for aesthetics !Read from computed data WRITE(*,*) ’Reading from file: ’, name !Open COMPUTATIONAL DATA file to read from it OPEN(UNIT=2, FILE=name) !Determine the number of lines in the file nl = 0 !Initialize DO i = 1,1000,1 READ (2, *, IOSTAT=ios) !Dummy variable !If it’s the end of the file, then exit IF (ios /= 0) THEN EXIT ELSEIF (i == 1000) THEN WRITE (*,*) ’Maximum allowable data (1000 lines)’ ELSE nl = nl + 1 ENDIF ENDDO WRITE(*,*) ’ End of file found:’, nl, ’pieces of data total.’ CLOSE(2)
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