Because there are such a large set of applications using numerical methods, the reader is encouraged to explore any paper that uses computational fluid dynamics. For aerospace applications, the suite of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) journals and the Journal of the American Helicopter Society (JAHS) include a number of these papers.
One of the important applications of FFTs are to obtain the frequency content of data, such as turbulence content. Examples of these applications can be found in:
- Liggett, N. and Smith, M. J., “A Study of the Gap Physics of Airfoils with Unsteady Flaps,” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 2013, doi: 10.2514/1.C032026
- Shenoy, R., Holmes, M., Smith, M. J., and Komerath, N., “Scaling Evaluations on the Drag of a Hub System,” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, to appear.