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c) To determine how far the wheel moves, the translational and angular acceleration equation is used and then integrated twice:
 =   − .4(3.2) =  − 1.28(m)/(s2)  =   − 1.28t(m)/(s) x  =   − (1.28)/(2)t2 x  =   − 5.76m
Since the origin is at location where the motion starts and the wheel is initially at rest, there are no constants of integration (they are zero).
d) The velocity of the wheel is most easily determined using the principles of kinetic energy and work.
W  =  ΔKE  =  (FΔx)  =  (1)/(2)mV2c + (1)/(2)Izω2
Recall that the angular velocity can be related to the translational velocity ω = (Vc)/(r)]. Substituting the values:
 − 40(2ΔXc) + 60(ΔXc)  =  (1)/(2)(10)V2c + (1)/(2)(.3)2(10)(V2c)/((.4)2)  − 80Xc + 60Xc  =  (1)/(2)(10)V2c + (1)/(2)(.3)2(10)(V2c)/((.4)2) 20(3)  =  5V2c + (.45)/(.42)V2c (6.0)/(7.81)  =  V2c Vc  =  2.77(m)/(s)
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