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Rotational spring reinforcement
Figure 7↓ shows a beam that is reinforced with rotational spring at each end. Figure  8↓ shows action and reaction moment s on springs and beam. One can write the boundary conditions as below
figure images/rotspring.png
Figure 7 Spring reinforced beam (rotational)

figure images/rotspringFB.png
Figure 8 Action and reaction force on springs and beam (rotational)

(9) x = 0 : F = 0 M = kθ x = l : F = 0 M =  − kθ
with the Euler-Bernoulli assumption:
(10) x = 0 : F = 0 M = EI(2w)/(x2) = k(w)/(x)x = 0 x = l : F = 0 M = EI(2w)/(x2) =  − k(w)/(x)x = l
Point mass at each end
Figure 9↓ shows a beam with point mass at each end. Figure 10↓ shows action and reaction force on point mass and beam. One can write the boundary conditions as below
figure images/rigid.png
Figure 9 Beam with a point mass at each end

figure images/rigidFB.png
Figure 10 Action and reaction force on point masses and beam

(11) x = 0 : M = 0 F = μ(2w)/(t2) x = l : M = 0 F =  − μ(2w)/(t2)
with the Euler-Bernoulli assumption:
(12) x = 0 : M = EI(2w)/(x2) = 0 F =  − ()/(x)EI(2w)/(x2) = μ(2w)/(t2)x = 0 x = l : M = EI(2w)/(x2) = 0 F = ()/(x)EI(2w)/(x2) = μ(2w)/(t2)x = l
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