This code demonstrates integration of pressure coefficient data in a file to calculate the pitching moment, which is the moment about the quarter-chord of the airfoil.
PROGRAM Pitching_Moment_Cp IMPLICIT NONE REAL, DIMENSION(1:800,1:2):: points REAL :: ref, PM_L, PM_R, PM_M, PM_T, PM_S INTEGER :: I,J,iost OPEN (unit=10, file=’data.prn’,& & status=’old’) DO I=1,800 READ(10,*,IOSTAT=iost)(points(I,J),J=1,2) END DO IF (iost==0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ’No EOF Encountered’ ELSEIF (iost<0) THEN WRITE(*,*) ’EOF encountered’ STOP ELSE WRITE(*,*) ’error in execution. iost=’, iost STOP END IF WRITE(*,*) ’What is your reference point (as a real number)?’ READ(*,*) ref CALL LT_PT(points, ref, PM_L) CALL RT_PT(points, ref, PM_R) CALL md_PT(points, ref, PM_M) CALL Trap(points, ref, PM_T) CALL Simpsons(points, ref, PM_S) WRITE(*,*) ’The Pitching Moment Coefficient by the Left Hand Rule=’, PM_L WRITE(*,*) ’The Pitching Moment Coefficient by the Right Hand Rule=’, PM_R WRITE(*,*) ’The Pitching Moment Coefficient by the Midpoint Rule=’, PM_M WRITE(*,*) ’The Pitching Moment Coefficient by the Trapazoidal Rule=’, PM_T WRITE(*,*) "The Pitching Moment Coefficient by the Simpson’s Rule=", PM_S CONTAINS subroutine LT_PT(points, ref, PM_L) REAL, intent(in), dimension(1:800,1:2) :: points REAL, intent(in):: ref REAL, intent(out):: PM_L INTEGER :: I PM_L=0 DO I= 1,800-1 PM_L=PM_L+ ( ref - points(I,1) ) * points(I,2) * & ( points(I+1,1) - points(I,1) ) END DO END subroutine LT_PT subroutine RT_PT(points, ref, PM_R) REAL, intent(in), dimension(1:800,1:2) :: points REAL, intent(in):: ref REAL, intent(out):: PM_R INTEGER :: I PM_R=0 DO I=1,800-1 PM_R=PM_R + ( ref - points(I,1) ) * points(I+1,2) * & &( points(I+1,1) - points(I,1) ) END DO END subroutine RT_PT subroutine md_PT(points, ref, PM_M) REAL, intent(in), dimension(1:800,1:2) :: points REAL, intent(in):: ref REAL, intent(out):: PM_M INTEGER :: I PM_M=0 DO I=1,800-1 PM_M=PM_M + ( ref - points(I,1) ) * ( points(I+1,2)& & + points(I,2) ) * .5 *& & ( points(I+1,1) - points(I,1) ) END DO END subroutine md_PT subroutine Trap(points, ref, PM_T) REAL, intent(in), dimension(1:800,1:2) :: points REAL, intent(in):: ref REAL, intent(out):: PM_T INTEGER :: I PM_T=0 DO I=1,800-1 PM_T= PM_T + ( ref - points(I,1) ) * ( points(I,2)& & + points(I+1,2)) * .5 & & * ( points(I+1,1) - points(I,1) ) END DO END subroutine Trap
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